On April 7, 2016, high-octane comedian GARRETT WEST and several of his very funny and very generous fellow comedians held a night-of-comedy benefit for Marty's Place at the fabulous El Rio (www.elriosf.com) , the great watering hole in The Mission. When Garrett says "Unprotected Comedy," he means it -- nothing is off-limits in his no-holds-barred take-no-prisoners style of stand-up.
Here at Marty's Place, we appreciate Garrett's and his friends's generosity, and we hope you'll catch all of them wherever they perform! You can follow Garrett on Facebook to keep track of his upcoming performances. https://www.facebook.com/Garrettwestcomedy
Below is the line up with each comedic artist.
Not pictured: Joel Spears
Photos: Michael Rouppet
Garrett West
Arjun Banerjee
Jon Alcabes
Spencer Latham
Hannah Marianetti
Florentina Tenacity
David Klein
William Lushbough
Erik Krasner