Interested in applying to Marty's Place?
Marty's Place is a housing cooperative for low-income people living with HIV/AIDS. Applicants must provide necessary documentation for an income certification and make a commitment to participating in collective self-management.
Workshops will cover the following areas: an Intro to Marty’s Place, cooperative living in shared common spaces in a beautiful home, MPAHC Bylaws and the democratic process, financial fitness training, Master Lease agreement, Occupancy Agreement and House Agreements, co-op living/orientation, committees and participation, and our community relationships.
Our aim will be to offer applicants a comprehensive look at what makes Marty's Place a historic, community asset, and tenant-based social housing model for people living with HIV/AIDS in San Francisco.
Our vacancies are advertised through our community partners at Shanti. Also, please make sure to follow our Facebook page.